
Paranormal Society of Bradenton, FL

Investigators in the Tampa Bay area


April 2014


We are touring the Whaley House this Friday in San Diego, CA. Have you been there or heard anything about it? Let us know!

The Haunting of Slater Mill

Haunted New Harmony


I love investigating historic locations, especially places that nearly vibrate with residual energy. The buildings at the Slater Mill campus in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, fall soundly in this category. The minute I stepped onto the five-acre property, I could feel the layers of history piled upon one another.

Built in 1793, Slater Mill was the brainchild of Englishman, Samuel Slater. At the age of 25, he immigrated to America and recreated the Arkwright system, which used a water-powered mill to spin cotton yarn, turning Slater Mill into the country’s first textile mill. President Andrew Jackson deemed him “The Father of American Industry.” The English call him Slater the Traitor for bringing their English ingenuity to America.

The evening’s events included a tour and ghost hunt of the three buildings on the property, led by Carl Johnson, with assistance from his brother Keith. Most people recognize the brothers from their years…

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Ghostly tales from the old prison in the Isle of Man

Mysterious Times

Victoria Road Prison in the Isle of Man opened in 1891 and has been housing criminals for over a century.Inevitably this old, red brick Victorian building in Douglas has inspired numerous ghost stories.Strange, unexplainable incidents are said to have occurred regularly in three different areas of the prison.

read more:  BBC – Ghostly tales from the old prison in the Isle of Man.

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I Just Want to Know That I’m Not Crazy

Want to buy the world’s most haunted island?

Read by Kevin

Off the coast of Venice lies the small island of Poveglia. If you have several million lying around, it can be yours.


But there’s a catch. It comes occupied. With ghosts.

Danse_macabre_by_Michael_Wolgemut  The history of this island is fascinating. The Venetians and Genoese fought over this island in the middle ages, but the real trouble started with the arrival of the Bubonic Plague in the 14th century. Plague victims were shunted to the island and sealed off. The dead were burned on funeral pyres in the center of the island. This history was repeated when the Black Death returned in the 1600s. Thus came the legends of ghosts. (The plague peroids of European history have always fascinated me. Maybe that’s why I like zombie stories so much.)

In the late 1800s the island was home to a mental asylum (always prime breeding ground for ghosts). There were rumors of torturous dsc_0215experiments on the…

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Haunted Graveyards

The Most Haunted Places

Bowdoin Horror Story

Misadventures with Michael

Image 5 Prospective students are visiting Bowdoin this weekend, so one of the most obvious things to do to welcome them is to take them on  Bowdoin’s Haunted Tour!  When I first heard about Bowdoin’s haunted tour, I was pretty skeptical that Bowdoin had anything scarier than finals (terrible joke, but it’s tour guide humor, right?)

Hubbard Hall, pictured to the left, has also been home to a number of ghost sightings and “tricks,” including a ghost, potentially Mr. Hubbard, who rattled the liquor cabinet that remained in what used to be his apartment and forced the professor whose office it was to stock the cabinet with a few bottles. Hubbard also bears an uncanny resemblance to the house from the first season of American Horror Story, in my opinion.

Bowdoin has some pretty creepy things lurking around its buildings. Adams Hall was the old Medical School of Maine, and though the building…

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The Vaile Mansion – Independence, MO

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